Monday 11 August 2008

a few words from the leaders..

This year’s summer GAP 2008 in the creative capital city of Berlin, was indeed a great success! The summer gap programme is designed to be a study/working project for young people. The study part of the programme, involved the participants attending a well known German language school in order to learn and brush-up their German language skills. They were up fresh and early each morning full of energy and ready for the day ahead. The working part of the project was undertaken during the afternoons where they were given a brief to create a tourist guide aimed at students flocking to the edgy and distinctive style capital.

They experienced life in Berlin first hand through the eyes of outgoing international students. They interacted with all aspects of Berlin from eating and drinking, entertainment attractions and nightlife, fashion and style, as well as the evolving history and culture brimming from the extraordinary and ever-changing areas of this very large town. They took part in a number of varied activities Berlin and the thriving surrounding areas have to offer over this six week period.

The people in all our projects are always the ultimate key for fun and success. This year we certainly believe that we chose the highest calibre people for the job and we can personally say that it was an absolute pleasure to work with this year’s team. All participants worked to the best of their ability and pushed themselves to their full potential. We have many fond memories, moments and funny stories from this trip that we hope to keep and cherish forever.

We wish all participants the best of luck in the future and hope to keep in touch with all. We built up a great bond over the past six weeks here in Berlin and would not hesitate in recommending each and every one of them to any potential employer as we feel that they would be an asset to any productive team! These participants have definitely proved themselves and have set the benchmark for the other forthcoming projects. Again we wish you them all the best in the future and we hope we will gain the opportunity to meet and work together again!

Jeremy Maki

Company Director of Motion Placements
Summer gap project 2008 – (please check out the website for more information)

Jedes Mal, wenn ich an den Sommer 2008 denke, erinnere ich mich auch an die Studenten des 6-wöchigen Sprachreise-Programms. Wir verstanden uns immer gut und ich hatte das Vergnügen einige nette und lustige Stunden mit den Studenten zu verbringen. Der Humor und die Offenheit entzückten mich.

Die Zeit erinnerte mich an meine eigene Jugend und daran wie viel neue Erfahrungen seitdem hinzukamen. Der Idealismus mit dem sie alsbald in das Berufsleben starten beeindruckte mich. Ich hoffe, dass sie das neu erworbene Wissen aus den Projekten für lange Zeit behalten, aber auch nützliche Erfahrungen darüber hinaus sammeln konnten.

Für Berlin bedeuten die Projekte eine weitere Internationalisierung verbunden mit einem Zuwachs an Dynamik. Die deutsche Hauptstadt könnte ihren Ruf als sicheres und lohnenswertes Reiseziel festigen.

Es waren tolle Tage im Sommer 2008 mit großartigen Erinnerungen. Holen wir sie zurück.

Lutz Kessner
General manager Curso eG

Each time I think of summer 2008 I have very fond memories of the Berlin Summer gap. I got on really well with the group and had the pleasure to spend some great and funny weeks with them. Their sense of humour and open minds delighted me.

These days had reminded me of my own days of youth and my experiences since then. The vision that they had at the start of the project(?) was impressive. I deeply hope that they will keep all the knowledge that they have acquired for a long time to come and they were also able to pick up some useful experiences.

For the town of Berlin, this type of project means progress in international and increasing dynamics of the city. The German capital is improving its reputation of being a safe and worthwhile destination to visit.

We have had a great time in summer 2008 and gained some great memories. Let’s do another project soon!

Lutz Kessner
General manager Curso eG

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